the events in this post occured on the 9th of July 2010.
remember when i said, i was tagged a wall , then a cop car passed? this was the tag

this was another random thing i did. i threw away the template after , because it was too sticky. i threw it into a dumpster. hey, graffiti writers care about the environment too. my spray paint are all CFC free!

The house that i hit the previous week.

mmmmmmmmmm, clean water. care for a drink, anyone?

yea, nadiya. seems like the proper place for somebody to die.

in daylight.

the frontyard of the house i'm ABOUT to hit.

Dang, there must have been some homeless geeks that squatted here.

Something I did, NOT.

The creativity streak goes on.

wise words, my man. wise words.

i kept my eye open for any signs of extra terrestrial creatures.

Fornication Under Consent of King, F.U.C.K.

I heard this dude walking to his car and i hid behind wall and spy snapped his pic.

Considering a career in espionage.

The neigbouring house.

This belonged to that homeless guy? Wonder where the other shoe went.

A huge letter J dropped through the ceiling of this house. When a huge letter J drops through the roof of a house and no one is around, does it make a sound?

These kids are awesome at drawing bio diagrams.

FHAK you. He's very considerate.

O rly? Other people must be doing it for the money then.

That's an upside down mushroom ,you pervs!

Wrong colour schemes, man. Did you not do any research? it should've been pink and turqoise.

2nd floor.

I crept inside to take some pics.

Nice little room.

PS what? complete your sentence!

This man walked to and fro. YOU annoying man.

I can actually see my sketch this time.

On the wall.

AND THEN it happened. You see, the room i was in , has a huge ass window at the sides. That's why i ducked when the man on the phone appeared. I was spraying when this white atos passed by. A lady in the passenger seat. She looked up at me, can in hand. The car slowed down and u-turned. THE CAR SLOWED DOWN AND U-TURNED. I packed my cans and got the hell out of there. Trying to walk as fast as I could without attracting attention. I went away from the place.

The car from afar. I was hiding behind zinc fences.


Whoever did this needs to practice more can control.

Yes, i'm glad i stopped spraying and got the hell out of the house.

Wanted to help the lady out. She was carrying pretty heavy plastic bags. Wanted to help but she was walking really fast. Thought that she was going to go to an old car. The old car must've been kept in pristine condition over the years because it doesn't look that old.