My name is NAME.
Genius right?
Well not so.
Thank you for actually taking your time to read this even though you could be playing outside under the sunshine or be helping your mum out in the kitchen now.
I graff (that means I draw/paint graffiti).
But as you may already realise, I'm not exactly Leonardo Da Vinci. Sadly, I was born without the artistic niche. But have any of you woke up in the morning and just thought "EFF IT" ?
That's what I thought. I like, love , enjoy doing graffiti and I constantly try to improve.
It can be art.
Graffiti is like the ugly duckling of visual art forms.
It has to begin by looking ugly, it has to, but by time and perseverance, it can be as beautiful if not more beautiful than other visual art forms.
If you're the police, just give me your name and I will write a REALLY COOL graffiti tag of your name. PEACE!